
What Does Palliative Care Mean for The Patient?

By admin | November 5, 2019 |

Since November is National Hospice/Palliative Care Month, we are going to address this question: What does palliative care mean for the patient?   The Initial Challenge of Palliative Care For many people, the concept of palliative care is something that is difficult to discuss. We like life and being active. Although we may not understand…

Senior Health and Conventional Medicine and Alternative Medicine

By admin | October 31, 2019 |

In senior health, what is the value of conventional medicine and alternative medicine?   Many people ask if one is better than the other. Indeed, this is a hotly debated topic among physicians, patients and other interested parties.   There is a study that shows, that seniors are used to using what we call alternative…

Decongestants for Stroke Survivors – Are They Safe to Use?

By admin | October 31, 2019 |

Decongestants for stroke survivors, people with heart disease and other illnesses should not be the first choice in the battle against decongestion. Alternative treatments for decongestion and the common cold should be used instead.   Why is That? What Could Be Wrong with a Decongestant? Decongestants and many of the commonly-used cold medicines, contain ingredients…

Hearing Loss in Seniors – Can it be Reversed?

By admin | October 25, 2019 |

Can hearing loss in seniors be reversed? Hearing problems affect many seniors. The statistics are that around one in three seniors aged 65-74 suffer from hearing loss. That number rises. Nearly half of those aged 75 and older have trouble hearing. By the way, due to misuse of devices and headsets, hearing damage happens to…

What is the Source of Ear Infections in Seniors?

By admin | October 23, 2019 |

Ear infections in seniors come from a variety of causes. Ear infections in seniors can go sometimes away by themselves. However, a course of treatment is usually required. Some seniors like using home remedies  and other cures to manage their symptoms. Usually however, conventional medical intervention is required. Since home remedies and cures for ear…

Preferred Ways to Restore Calm to Dementia Patients

By admin | October 17, 2019 |

What is the best way to restore calm to dementia patients? This was the subject of an interesting study published in the Annals of Internal Medicine. Dementia is a challenge to the patient, and for family members and caregivers. The patient experiences increasing loss of cognitive thinking skills and has progressive memory problems. Together with…

Sub-Acute Care Team – The Rehabilitation Nurse

By admin | October 16, 2019 |

Let’s meet a very special person – the rehabilitation nurse. A patient in an in-patient setting or an out-patient setting will interact with the nurse on a regular basis.   There are different types of nurses Contrary to what we thought as children, nurses do not all look the same or do the same task.…

Osteoarthritis – A Range of Treatments

By admin | October 7, 2019 |

There is a range of treatments for osteoarthritis. Osteoarthritis is the most common form of arthritis. Arthritis is the most common chronic joint condition. The wonderful joints in the human body can wear out in different ways.   The Risk If these things happen to a person’s joints, they would be at risk for osteoarthritis:…

Tips for Oral Health in Seniors with Dementia

By admin | October 7, 2019 |

Many studies were collected by researchers and analyzed. The results? Oral health in seniors with dementia is very likely to be poor. Seniors with dementia are more likely to have disease and decay in the teeth, and soft parts of the mouth. Common problems seniors with dementia included: Bleeding from the gums (gingivitis) Gum infections…

Diabetes and Quality of Life in Seniors

By admin | October 3, 2019 |

It is known that there is a link between diabetes and cognitive decline in seniors. For some people this happens if diabetes was not managed properly. How are diabetes and quality of life connected? If diabetes can cause cognitive decline in seniors, does it mean there will be a reduction in quality of life?  …